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Children's Hearing Scotland

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How we train volunteers

We want to make sure that all of our Panel Members are equipped with the skills and knowledge to fulfil this important role and as a trainee you will be expected to commit to a period of comprehensive learning.

Our Pre-Service learning programme is delivered by the CHS Learning Academy. The programme consists of 7 days training, with an additional 6 hours (approx.) independent learning per training day. The learning will take place between April - July 2025 and you will be given a variety of options for engagement to accommodate personal schedules/preferences.

Once you are appointed as a Panel Member there is an expected commitment to maintain your skills and ongoing learning and development. We will support you to do this through the delivery of e-learning courses and local learning and development sessions. These sessions are normally held in the evenings or at the weekends, or through our online portal.

The skills you will gain

Your training and experience as a Panel Member equips you with a range of transferable skills. These include: dealing with complex issues and communicating these with empathy and compassion when working with children, young people and families; principles and practices within the children’s hearings system, including law and procedure; chairing hearings; decision making and protecting rights. Other skills you learn are:

  • Leadership
  • Team Working
  • Effective Communications
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Influencing & negotiating 
  • Decision Making
  • Managing Conflict

Training Dates

Pre-service training date are available to view 

Panel Member Testimonial

“Every day is a school day” – the regular training always delivers something new and when working with families you often hear things that make you say ‘I’ve not thought of that before’.”

Julie Cox, Panel Member, South Lanarkshire

What happens in a hearing?

If you are visiting us for the first time, you may have lots of questions about what the children's panel is and what we do.

Impact in your local area

62% of our Panel Members said 'I wanted to make a positive contribution to my local community', why not join them?